Wheat or Tare?

 If all men love you and speak well of you, you’re likely a tare. 

“You will be hated by all for my name's sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next, for truly, I say to you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.

“A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master.  It is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign those of his household.”

Jesus himself said this. Why do we ignore it?

There are only two kingdoms in the spirit realm. 

Gods kingdom and mans kingdom. 

You are either in Gods kingdom or you’re in Satan’s kingdom. 

There’s no neutral ground. 

If you aren’t Gods’, you are satans. 

The Bible says 

We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one. 1 John 5:19

I use the new king James for you king James purists because it’s better translated. 

(Yes that sometimes happens. Side note: go look up the historical king James. As evidenced by his fruit he was most likely a tare. )

So the whole world is under the sway or spell of the devil. 

If that’s so, most people you see are under Satans’ control. 

Our job as Christians is to win them to the kingdom of God. 

If you have no concern whether or not others are going to hell, you’re likely a selfish tare. 

Tares don’t have fruit remember. 

One large part of fruit is winning other souls to Christ. 

Also if you exalt yourself by putting your name all over “ your ministry” (It’s actually not your ministry. It’s Gods’ ministry) you are also likely a tare. 

Anyone who exalts their name above the name of Jesus is likely a tare. 

We see big ministries with the ministers name in lights. But where is the name of Jesus? Where’s the name of the father? Holy Spirit?

If all men speak well of a minister he is likely a false prophet. 

I say this because the Bible says this. 

False prophets speak peace and safety when there is no peace. They don’t speak warning. 

Those who speak warning are not only not believed, they are persecuted for it. 

True prophets (prophet means someone who speaks for God. Today we would call them preachers) speak the truth. 

Tares hate the truth. 

Especially when they are told they must repent and turn from their sin. 

They will make all kinds of excuses not to turn from their sin. 

And they will turn on whomever is telling them the truth and either murder them or murder their character. (Sling mud and lies and false accusations to discredit them). 

Ever notice tiday all you need to do is level sexual assault accusations at a person to discredit them? They don’t have to be true. In fact most likely many of them are false. Anyone who is speaking the truth will be silenced by the enemy however he can. And he uses lies to do it. 

Let me just finish this off by saying that if someone is popular in pop culture and even in Christianity, he is likely a tare or a false preacher.  

False preachers preach peace and prosperity when there is none. 

They don’t preach about sin or repentance. 

They make you feel good. They promise you your best life now. 

Politicians on both sides lie and promise the moon. But if their personal fruit is bad, Jesus said the tree is bad. 

And if you love these people, if you defend them and their actions, you are likely a tare yourself. There are many of them. 

I beg of you to seek the Lord on this. 

And repent. 


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