my testimony: final thoughts

 After years and years of rebellion and self-inflicted heartache, I finally learned the huge lesson, that in order to really follow God, we must OBEY him. 

John 14 says three different times in slightly different ways that if you love the Lord, you will OBEY him. 

I had never heard it put that bluntly and I bet most people today living in America or the west who call themselves Christians can say the same thing. They never heard that. 

Jesus spoke in revelations 1,2 and 3 to John in the first part of his vision in letters to seven churches. I highly suggest everyone go read them. This is the true Jesus. This is what he spoke, what he taught. He was not a sissy. He does not overlook sin. He hates it. And anyone who walks in sin while pretending  that they are Christians and followers of Christ are deceiving themselves, like I did, and are heading to hell. 

If I had not repented when I did, I would have gone to hell. I was given as choice after that. I had to choose - which God would I serve? 

I chose Jesus Christ. And I’ve been trying to serve him, really trying, ever since then. Not the halfhearted trying I did before when I believed I’d go to heaven no matter what I said or did. Which is a lie. 


 In Rev 3:11 jesus said:

11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.


If someone can take your crown (which Is salvation) then it is imperative that we examine carefully whom we listen to. 

We are truly in the last days when most churches are teaching heresy or are walking in known sin (think begging for money and spending it on their pleasures). 

Do not listen to these people. Even if they call themselves Christian. Even if they are on tv. 

ESPECIALLY if they are on tv, which is all about fame and money. 

You can’t serve both God and money. 

And anyone who is friends with the world makes himself an enemy of God. The key here is he makes HIMSELF an enemy of God. God doesn’t do it. We do. If we refuse to hold fast and we backslide and eventually become reprobates. These things are in the Bible. That’s where they come from. How have we gotten away from teaching them?

From reprobate teachers who are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Jesus warned about them.  Read Matt 23. and Ezekiel 34. 

My life was completely changed that Good Friday in 2013. I have never looked back. And I’m truly committed to Christ now. I see things differently than I did before. For instance I can see that people who call themselves Christian who walk the fence are worshipping themselves and man and Satan 

And don’t even know it. 

Anyone or anything that you put above God and his word are idols. And Jesus said you need to cut them off and cast them from you even if it means entering heaven maimed or blind. 

That’s pretty severe. 

But when you tell people this they often say “MY god isn’t like that.”  If that’s true your own words will judge you on judgment day. Because your god then isn’t the God of the Bible. You’ve made up a god in your own head and are worshipping it instead of the One True God. And that my friends is idolatry. 

My husband and I now work and live in rural Alabama running a house church and discipling people who love God but who were never taught the Bible despite sitting in church for many years. Just like me. They’re all coming along ❤️

There is a concerted attack by satan on Gods’ people. He wants desperately to destroy us. Not just to "rob us of our joy", but to kill steal and destroy us. 

Satan wants you to believe that he doesn't exist, that hell doesn't exist, that the story I just told you is a lie or worse. He also wants you to believe the lies of the culture, that people who are deranged and demon possessed are actually “mentally ill,” that you can cure them with meds which actually make people worse, and that Christians can’t be demon possessed or can’t fall away from God. 

I’m living proof that you can. So that’s obviously not true. 

I saw satan face to face and spoke with him, and whether you think I'm crazy or that I was hallucinating or not, I do have friends who witnessed me that day, and there isn't any other explanation for what happened to me. When you've eliminated all else, whats left is the truth. 

Not going to a bible preaching church is taking yourself out from under the covering of God. That is something that protects you, your mind and spirit. Without that covering, you are subject to every philosophy out there, and let me tell you from personal experience, the philosophies of this world are lies from the pit of hell. They look and sound oh so good, but they reject Christ as savior, and they will ultimately send you to hell. 

You do have to be careful though. Pray about where to go - or if God wants you to start a bible study in your own house! 

So you see I've been through the abuses of the church. I've been through alienation, and doubt, depression and fear. I've been through the death of a dear loved one and even demonic possession. 

Through it all God STILL LOVED ME. He kept reaching out to me. He’s reaching out to you too. 

God used those things to bring me back to him, not to draw me away from him. 

My prayer for you is that you allow him to do the same. 

Dont allow circumstances, abuse, our fast deteriorating culture, or any past hurt to keep you from believing in the fundamentals of the faith. 

You yourself are responsible for running your own race. What will you say to God when you stand in front of His throne? Will you try to blame others? God won’t hear of that. He is a God of mercy AND justice. He could not be one without the other. 

I pray you hear this truth in your spirit as you read this. 

Jesus Christ is the only son of God. He died for your sins so that we can walk with God, resist the enemy of our souls, and have eternal life with Him. 

Please say a prayer of belief like this one and put your trust in him today:

Dear Lord, I see that I'm a sinner. I’ve broken all of your laws and I deserve death. Please forgive me for all of my sins, come into my heart, and empower me and change me by your Holy Spirit. I will follow you the rest of my life on earth do that I can have eternity with you. I turn my back on all the evil I’ve done including putting any person or thing before you in my words or deeds. Please forgive me. Help me walk with you daily. Please fill me with your spirit so I can know right from wrong. I love you lord. Amen. 


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