my testimony: final thoughts

After years and years of rebellion and self-inflicted heartache, I finally learned the huge lesson, that in order to really follow God, we must OBEY him. John 14 says three different times in slightly different ways that if you love the Lord, you will OBEY him. I had never heard it put that bluntly and I bet most people today living in America or the west who call themselves Christians can say the same thing. They never heard that. Jesus spoke in revelations 1,2 and 3 to John in the first part of his vision in letters to seven churches. I highly suggest everyone go read them. This is the true Jesus. This is what he spoke, what he taught. He was not a sissy. He does not overlook sin. He hates it. And anyone who walks in sin while pretending that they are Christians and followers of Christ are deceiving themselves, like I did, and are heading to hell. If I had not repented when I did, I would have gone to hell. I was given as choice after that. I ...