my testimony part 10
This is where the story gets weird. Hold onto your hats, folks. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. Remember I had just gotten married at the end of February 2013. But I was still into mysticism, doing psychic readings snd dabbling in Wicca and anything esoteric I could find. Nothing was off limits anymore. I used to have talking to the dead being off limits but not anymore , not since I threw out the Bible. I got deeper and deeper into tarot and even began to do it professionally. This went on for a number of years. Many of my predictions were dead accurate (because of familiar spirits). The people I believed I was helping sent me referrals and I did readings for rich, famous and important people. All the while I was insisting I was serving God. I really believed that with all of my heart. Maybe thats why God saw fit to save me from all of this. Satan has slowly whittled away my faith to the point where I no longer believed Jesus was the son of God. I didn't b...
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