Christians and cancel culture
Cancel culture is a hot topic right now. I had to explain what it was to my 64 year old husband who is a minister and is completely out of the loop. As he should be.
I have to tell you that I get more pushback from people who call themselves Christians than from anyone else.
I get canceled by CHRISTIANS. and this has been the state of things for a long time. It’s only getting worse.
I was rescued by Jesus from mysticism and new age and because of that I can see how much Of it and worldliness has infiltrated the church. When I see Christians recommending books with magic in them, or Christians taking about yoga classes or astrology or numerology or word of faith or psychology or any other number of things they shouldn’t be into that have occult roots, I get shouted down for “not being tolerant enough.”
If I tell them they shouldn’t be sleeping around or into porn or consumed with constant entertainment of this world which is mostly filth (but even if it’s not why are you wasting all your time in entertainment while the world burns?), then I get “cancelled”. I sometimes get my whole posts erased or reported.
This is among supposed Christians mind you. This is exactly why I know the apostasy talked about in 2 Thessalonians is already here and has been for a long time.
The church is completely apostate and Jesus is coming SOON.
People who call themselves Christian live and look and act exactly like the world and then get upset when anyone calls them on their sin. I’m CALLING you on your sin so that you don’t go to hell. It’s clear in the word of God in many places that those who continue in sin despite what you say with your mouth wind up in hell. Read Galatians 5 and 1 cor 10.
"'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.”
Matthew 15:18
The government has already announced that “aliens are real”. This may be the precursor to the rapture. I believe it may be how the world will explain how the true church Just happened to disappear one day. And those left behind will be the fake Christians who don’t really know or trusted God or His word. They willl be the ones who are antinomians - lawless ones who have no fear of God. Which is most Americans. These are the same ones who are calling the true Christians who care about holiness without which no one will see God “heresy hunters.”
I’m a watchman. Called by God to be a watchman. And I’m supposed to be calling people back from their error. But they won’t hear it. They like ancient Israel Love their sin and have no love of truth in them that they should separate from the world and be saved.
1 John says if you love the world the love of the father isn’t in you. Loving the world includes loving your political party or even your nation. Not above God as many preachers say but at all. If you love the world or the things of this world then the love of the father is not in you. 1 john2:15
I fully expect a big backlash from
”Christians” here too. But I must say these things because God has called me to say them. Ezekiel 33. Because on judgment day you will be without excuse. You were warned.
Jesus isn’t all love all the time. It is mentioned much more often that he is Holy and he is justice.
And the reason the USA and the world is in trouble isn’t cancel culture or unbelievers. It’s the CHURCH who would rather blame “godless liberals” on our problems than admit our own worldliness and pride and then repent and separate from the world. Read 1 cor 5. It will change you’d life. Also 2 chronicles. 7:14 which applies to BELIEVERS. Not the world.
It says. If MY PEOPLE who are called BY MY NAME will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways (not the world. The believers!)
THEN will I hear from heaven and THEN will I HEAL THEIR LAND.
No man can save you. No politician or doctor or vaccine or system will save you. Only God alone can do that and He protects only those who know, fear and OBEY him. Him who has ears to hear let him hear!
We are the salt and we’ve lost our flavor by becoming just like the world. And it is OUR fault the world is in this mess. Because we’d rather blame everyone else but ourselves. Of COURSE they act like the world. They don’t know Jesus! You want them to know Jesus? TELL then about him. And ACT like him yourself. Don’t cop out and pretend the problem is the godless. They have always been there. And our job is to love them into the kingdom.
Do you see that happening anywhere? Do you hear your supposed Christian leaders calling Christendom to repentance for not doing our job? The leaders are even more apostate than the faithless believers who don’t know the word of God. Don’t listen to them.
THEY are the ones you should be canceling. The wolves in sheep’s clothing who lead the sheep astray, who claim peace and prosperity when there is no peace.
Ezekiel 34. Matthew 23.
If you can’t tell the difference between a genuine wolf who is preaching your best life now but who seems so NICE, and a genuine watchman who warns you of the wrath of God to come and who makes you uncomfortable, then it’s high time you got on your knees and asked God for wisdom. Without it you will cancel the wrong people. You might even wind up in hell.
Please don’t let that happen. Ask God to show you the truth. right now.
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