We have met the enemy and he is us.

The problem with America is not Liberals. The problem is not cancel culture. The problem is not class warfare. The problem is not crime or evil corporations or the economy. 

The problem isn’t even Joe Biden  or Donald trump. 

All of these things are symptoms. 

Of what? 

Of God’s judgment on America. 

The problem, my friend, is SIN. 

In order for our land to be healed, it is GODS’ supposed people who  are supposed to REPENT. Not the world. Not the politicians. Not the gays or the liberals or any other group outside of The fold. No. They aren’t going to repent if you and I don’t repent first. 

Gods judgment is brought about when HIS PEOPLE refuse to repent. 

Read Jeremiah and Ezekiel for a primer on this. Read exodus too while you’re at it. 

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

-2 chronicles 7:14

- read that carefully. 

My people. That means believers. 

If you think you’re immune that that doesn’t  apply to you that you’ve been washed once and don’t have to repent again or live holy then my friend YOU are the problem. 

(See Jeremiah 7)

I am the problem too if I continue to lead a lukewarm life. If I continue to act like a Pharisee and say “thank God I’m not like that evil guy over there.”

When in fact you are JUST like that evil guy over there. Maybe worse because you have the knowledge of truth but refuse to walk in it. 

How are Christians in America doing that?

Here’s how:

If I read the Bible for ten minutes and say token prayers yet go and fill my mind with hours and hours of propaganda, violence, soft or even hard porn on Tv or the internet, am I really following Christ or am I following the world?

If i listen to what pundits and politicians say and “explain away” the words of Jesus as “notpractical”, aren’t I thinking just like the world? Which is the same thing as thinking like Satan. The word of God tells us that in 1 John. 

If I dress like the world, make things and money and success the most important things in my life like the world and justify it even though Jesus clearly teaches you can’t serve both God and money, if I base my life more on my chosen profession or political party rather than The Word of God , isn’t my allegiance with the world?

Let’s take it a step further. 

Do you lust after the things of this world? Do you go to church on Sundays and Wednesday’s and lift your hands in worship and say “bless you” and smile but then do you spout hate speech about how we need to keep “illegals” out of our country, thus making your witness at work which is your mission field null and void? 

Do you listen to conservative propaganda and agree with how they’ve completely skirted around the fact that their choice for president was a Liar? 

Do the unbelievers blaspheme God because of you?

God is not pleased with America. 

He is not pleased with Christians who don’t live up to his holy name or word. 

He is not worried so much about national policy or what politicians do. Because he knows that if individuals repent he will send us Godly politicians. 

But we are not repenting. 

We love our materialism. We love our money and big houses and cars and we make God put to be a cosmic Santa Claus who is there not to make you Holy nor for you to worship but instead is there to grant your every wish. 

This is a form of heresy. It’s called nicolaitainism. It’s also affiliated with antinomianism. Which teaches that God is all about love, all the time and doesn’t teach that God has standards that He demands we as believers must meet. 

According to the Bible, He does. He says be the Holy for I am holy. No you can’t be perfectly without sin. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t TRY. If I never took a bath because I’m going to get dirty again anyway what kind of logic is that? 

You MUST attempt with Gods’ help to be holy. That means TURNING from your sin. Not doing it anymore with the help of the Holy Spirit. 

You should be becoming more and more like Him. Are you? Are your besetting sins like your temper, pride, selfishness all becoming less and less as your character becomes more and more like his?

Or are you thinking more and more like the world? Are you agreeing with the satanic propaganda on television?

Or are you resting on your laurels saying “Jesus paid the price already. Now I can sit back and relax and play video games.”

Certainly not! 

The problem is that we refuse to repent. The problem is we love our sin. The problem is we’re blind and proud and think the problem isn’t US but someone else. 

I personally have been rebuked and turned around by the Lord. And now according to Ezekiel 33 if I do not warn you then I your blood will be on my hands. Which is why I’m warning you.  Not  because I’m self righteous - I’m certainly not righteous in myself. Only Jesus can make me (or anyone else) righteous. Has he made you righteous? Are you continuing in that righteousness? 

Either you are pushing forward or you’re backsliding. 

There’s no in between. 

I used to take God’s  grace and trample it underfoot by continuing to sin. I used to slap him across the face every time I did that. 

Which is why I do my best to not do it anymore. 

And when I slip and do it by mistake I’m ready and willing to repent immediately. 

And then, by Gods Grace, I don’t do it anymore!

You can have this same freedom too. But in order to do that you must lay aside all your idols - all the worldly pleasures must be forsaken. And you must put the Lord FIRST. 

Don’t deceive yourself. That which you treasure most is your master. If it’s not the Lord, it’s an idol. That can even include your mate or your children. If includes good things which aren’t inherently bad, like your job or hobbies. It includes time wasters like tv video games and the internet. And it includes secret sins of your heart that no one knows about but you and God. 

And yes, He knows all about them. 

Jesus preached a gospel of repentance. If you claim to know him, you must live a life of repentance. It must be demonstrated by the fruits of your life. What are they? See Galatians 5 to know what they are and aren’t. 

And if you aren’t abiding in him daily, not just for ten minutes of bible reading but abiding in him

ALL THE TIME, repenting whenever you sin and TURNING from it, then according to John 15 your branch will be removed and burned. 

I pray you choose instead repentance. 


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