Why are Christian celebrities so successful?

 Ah. There’s a great question.

Jesus said this in John 15:

“If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.”

If you truly love and serve God (and not yourself, mammon, fame, etc) then the world shouldn’t love you. The world should HATE you. 

This includes much of “Christianity,” much of which is completely apostate and teaching exactly the opposite of what Jesus taught.

Now if you stand apart from the world, if you hate the sin of the world and of fake Christians who drag Gods name through the mud by their hypocrisy, and cry out against it, if you refuse to walk like the world and don’t partake in its sinful entertainments and occupations, or if you call out the fake Christians for their hypocrisy in acting exactly like the world, then they will hate you. They will tar and feather you. They will gossip about you and cast you out. You will be made a laughingstock, just like Jesus was.

john 15 continues:

20 Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21 They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me.”

This is JESUS speaking here. we should take note. the mark of a true disciple of Christ is that they are persecuted for acting like Jesus. Not loved and accepted.

So why are there famous Christians whom everyone basically worships? Why are we looking up to them if the world loves them when the Bible says the world should hate us not love us?

many of them are teaching falsehoods and actually work for satan. (See the parable of the Tares). Many of them have sold out for fame and fortune. You can tell by their net worth snd their names all over their books, DVDs, CDs, etc. and how they lift up their own names and not the name of Jesus.

many of them are fake Christians and hypocrites. Paul, John and Jesus all speak about false believers and false prophets. (See Matt 24)Why should we be surprised they’re still around? If anything there should be MORE of them now since were closer to the end (and there are. But in my experience most people don’t have the discernment to tell because they don’t know their bibles and they don’t really know Jesus. )

Please do NOT listen to what these people say. Don’t read their books. And for heavens sake don’t send them money!

worldly success is at odds with Gods success. Doing things Gods’ way is a lot harder than doing things the worlds way. Consequently a lot less people choose that path. That’s why Jesus called it the NARROW way and said there are few who find it. (Matt 7)

Read hebrews 11, the faith chapter, and see what happened to the REAL people of faith…

“Others were tortured and refused to be released, so that they might gain a better resurrection.

Some faced jeers and flogging, while still others were chained and put in prison. They were stoned, they were sawed in two; they were put to death by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated-- the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground.”


BUT they didn’t sell their soul to the devil for a little fame and fortune. Their god wasn’t their belly. They didn’t think godliness was a means of financial gain!

And thus they inherited eternal life.

Let’s aim to be like them, not “Christian celebrities” most of whom steal from widows and orphans by taking money from them that was meant for God and using it on themselves.

They will one day have to stand before a holy God and have to account for their greed. Jesus said you can’t serve both God and money.

I’m sure there are some celebrities who are truly Christian and who don’t lift up their own name and who actually help the poor with the money that’s donated to them. 

I’m sure there are some who haven’t bowed the knee to Baal and who aren’t hypocrites, who aren’t greedy for gain or the praise of men, who haven’t sold out, who don’t advise people to do things that go against the clear teachings of Jesus, and who instead stand up for Jesus and what he actually taught. Like to turn the other cheek. Love your neighbor. Help the poor. Obey God. Look at your own sin and repent of it instead of looking at your neighbors sin and telling that they’re the reason our country is going to hell. 

I’m sure there are some who aren’t false prophets prophesying things will get better, not worse, when it’s clearly what the Bible teaches that evil men will grow worse and worse, not better snd better until Jesus comes. 

but I haven’t seen many of them. 

It’s high time we turn off our “Christian” tv and read our bibles and pray for ourselves.

Let’s stop making success our god. And stop making celebrities our god. And follow instead Jesus Christ - the ONLY way.  


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