
Showing posts from July, 2021

Good or bad?

  Just because something makes you happy doesn’t mean it’s necessarily good for you.   Take Twinkies. Twinkies are high in sugar and fat. They’re also full of chemicals to extend their shelf life.  Twinkies are obviously not good for you.  Yet some people eat them. And In moderation a Twinkie or two won’t kill you. Not in the long run anyway.  But what might happen if you start craving Twinkies? What might happen if you start buying them in larger quantities? If you start eating one every day? What if you start to crave them more snd more until you begin eating them after each meal? What if you started eating them AS your meal and eventually never ate anything else? You know what would happen. You would get sick snd fat. Eventually you would become malnourished. You might even go to a doctor who would tell you to stop eating Twinkies and eat some vegetables for heavens sake! But if you refuse and keep going down that path you will wind up dead.  This isn’t ...

God is in charge of America. Not any man.

  Democracy isn’t from God.   Democracy is a man-made institution. It was first created as far as we know in Ancient Greece. There are arguments that it goes back as far as ancient Mesopotamia - Babylon.  Democracy is government “Of the people by the people and for the people.” This, at its core, is humanism. The elevation of man to be his own ruler.  When man is on the throne and not God, the Bible tells us there is wickedness and every evil thing.  Ancient Israel was supposed to be Gods’ chosen people. They were to be run by representatives that God chose. Prophets and later, judges. Because the people were wicked in heart the people, as people tend to do, rebelled.  The people of Israel demanded a king. And though the ruling prophet Samuel was grieved by this, God told him to anoint them a king. And do Samuel did.  The king God chose was Saul. (see  1 Samuel 8) Saul was handsome and a head taller than everyone else. He “looked like” a king. He ...

Science or religion? The debate rages on

  Science or religion? The debate rages on.   Science is a religion. The religion of secular humanism. Science is the combined wisdom of man (which keeps changing by the way. Think Pluto. Planet? Dwarf planet? Not a planet at all? Make up your minds already! This does not engender trust!) there used to be many scientists who believed in God. Isaac Newton. Miguel Servetus. Albert Einstein even. But now secular humanism has taken over. and secular humanism hates the idea of God because they want to be their own god. That’s why evolution was dredged up from the ancient pagans the Greeks (no Darwin didn’t invent it. he plagiarized it. Google it.    ) because it’s obvious that there must be a god    by virtue of the fact that ANYTHING exists, they must therefore have an origin story.  Never mind that the Big Bang goes against the laws of entropy - that things become LESS ordered, not more, over time. They don’t care that it contradicts their own LAWS (not t...

Why I don’t trust the mass media

I have several personal stories I’d like to submit for your perusal. I don’t trust ANY media because of these. Two of them happened to me. One happened to a minister who I’ve found to be truthful. I invite you to draw your own conclusions.  1.    I went on a field trip to our local PBS station and the person in charge of the whole station took us on a tour. During the tour he told us that “television is entertainment. Please remember that.” And “by editing film in a certain way, I can make you FEEL however I want you to feel.”    I thought this was really interesting coming from a station manager such as PBS which is supposed to be factual. It was also interesting to me that he spoke about manipulating feelings. This man in particular (and I have a sneaking suspicion most media) has no problem lying to anyone because he thinks “it’s just entertainment” and those who trust him/them are suckers for not understanding that.  2. second story. My late husband had...

How to fight the evil in America

Most people who call themselves Christian in America want to fight the tide of evil they are seeing.     But most of them are misguided and are going about it the exact wrong way.  The Bible says that we are to pray for those who persecute us. (Matt 5:44) Not rail against them.  We are supposed to witness to them. (Mark 16:15-16) Not blame them for everything that’s wrong in the world.  Actually we’re supposed to judge not nonbelievers, but BELIEVERS. And if they refuse to act like Christ? We are to have nothing to do with them.  “I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a...