my testimony part 1

 This testimony begins with the earliest memory I have. I don’t claim that it’s necessarily true. I remember it. But it could be a false memory. I know that those are possible and I don’t pretend that I’m above it. 

My father worked in the courts as a court reporter for longer than I’ve been alive and he’s made it clear that there could be ten witnesses of one event, all have different versions of the event, and all believe their version is true. The “glasses” you wear color everything you see. 

The glasses I wear are spiritual. From the time I was a small child I remember having strange spiritual occurrences. 

I have the gift of spiritual discernment. 

It’s a gift  - or a curse - like so many things it depends on what glasses you wear. 

It’s not like what you’d think. I see things. I sense things. Things most people can’t see hear or sense. Or if they do they don’t usually admit it. It’s uncomfortable. It’s made me different. Stand-offish. I have trouble making friends. I can see right through lies to the truth underneath. Not the most convenient gift to have. 

So here’s my first memory. I may as well start out with a bang. 

I’ll tell you one thing: everything I write is true. At least from my vantage point, wearing my glasses. 

But I can’t wear anyone else’s glasses, not unless I lie. And I wouldn’t do that. I am a woman of God. God hates lies. Therefore so do do I. 

I will never lie to you. 

So here it is. 


I was floating in a vast blackness for what seemed like a very long time. It reminded me of outer space. I could hear people talking to each other, in the blackness. I could hear the different directions the sounds were coming from. 

Then I opened my eyes for the very first time and saw through the reddish-pinkish-purplish light  which I still remember - my hand. I moved it, opened and closed it in the light. It was absolutely amazing. 

I had control over my hand. 

I was IN a human body! 

I heard what I believe was my mother singing. 


I just want to write a disclaimer. I know this is controversial. I know people will call me a liar and delusional. That’s why I don’t tell people about this. 

I’m not sure if it really happened or not. I know memories are tricky things. I believe it happened. My father also tells me he remembers being in the womb. 

I gave many other early memories, as you will see. 

So take it for what it’s worth - a story by a nobody about an experience she isn’t sure she had. 

But in order to be completely honest I needed to include this in my testimony. There was more to it but the Lord wouldn’t let me write it. 

Also it is a good beginning for a story that will entail some strange things that will happen later. 


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