my testimony part 2

The earliest thing I remember as a baby was  lying on the ground on my silky pale yellow blanket. I was lying face down trying to lift my head up and getting exhausted. 

I believe I must’ve been about three months old maybe four. 

I did something different and suddenly I found myself face up looking at the ceiling, astonished! 

Wait, I thought, I DID THAT. I suddenly understood that I had command over my body for the first time. 

I thought back to what I’d done to get there and I realized I’d swung my leg over from the hip. I did it again and I rolled over again! 

And then of course I rolled all over the floor!

That was My very first epiphany 😇

This might seem silly but it’s important because later you’ll need to know that God has blessed me with an extraordinary memory and I can literally remember being in the womb. 

Another important early memory I have that corroborates that I have early memories was one when I was nine. My family travelled across the country from where we lived in Pennsylvania to my grandmothers house in Louisiana for what I thought was the first time. 

When we got there, I looked around her living room and it was eerily familiar. So eerily familiar I was sure i’d been there before. 

I asked my mom if we’d been there before and she said “yes - when you were six months old.” I showed her where she’d put me on my yellow blanket on the floor. 

She remembered it too. 

I also remembered my cousin giving me a bath. 

I have many other very early memories but those are the most important. 

I remember the first time my mom told me about Jesus. She tried to tell me he was the son of God. I didn’t understand it at all. But I remember it. I think I was between one and two. (I talked at nine months. Full conversations. Are you surprised?)

I tell you all of this so you’ll understand that I believe this next memory really happened. 


When I was about four years old I was at the top of the flight of thirteen stairs in my house. I think it was early in the morning as it was light out but no one else was around. 

I believe it a demonic presence was trying to get me to kill my self. I don’t remember much about it but it told me that if I jumped off the top step, that I would fly down. It kept bugging me and wouldn’t let me be. I understand now it wanted me dead. 

I had had a wonderful dream about flying and really wanted to fly so I got a running start and after a few stops and starts I took a flying leap off the top step. 

PANIC! I realized I was going to fall and severely hurt myself. HELP! 

 Suddenly I was floating down light as a feather. I felt someone carrying me. 

A presence I couldn’t see set me at the bottom of the stairs and then began speaking to me. I could see the outline of its face and mostly it’s mouth as it spoke to me. It was shaped like a human, but completely transparent and blended in perfectly with the room around us. 

I asked who it was and he said I’m an angel. I’m here to guard you. But you can’t ever do that again do you understand? If you do I can’t help you again. 

I understood and I promised. And I never did anything like that again. Even many years later when I’d forgotten all about this and Satan tried to kill me again by trying to get me to leap off of a cliff, I didn’t do it again. I’m sure the Holy Spirit stopped me. 


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