Christians and cancel culture
Cancel culture is a hot topic right now. I had to explain what it was to my 64 year old husband who is a minister and is completely out of the loop. As he should be. I have to tell you that I get more pushback from people who call themselves Christians than from anyone else. I get canceled by CHRISTIANS. and this has been the state of things for a long time. It’s only getting worse. I was rescued by Jesus from mysticism and new age and because of that I can see how much Of it and worldliness has infiltrated the church. When I see Christians recommending books with magic in them, or Christians taking about yoga classes or astrology or numerology or word of faith or psychology or any other number of things they shouldn’t be into that have occult roots, I get shouted down for “not being tolerant enough.” If I tell them they shouldn’t be sleeping around or into porn or consumed with constant entertainment of this world which is mostly ...